Diets library
Check out the Nutribook Diet Library and choose from a wide assortment of pre-compiled and customizable diets.
Diets history
Nutribook keeps a complete record of all the meal plans you’ve made for each patient. This database stores all the diets, making it simple to find and reuse them in the future. You can easily search through your plans using the search bar, sort them by status (like In Progress, To Review, Delivered), and organize them by the scheduled delivery date. This strong system ensures you can efficiently handle and keep track of your dietary plans, offering a valuable tool for ongoing patient care.
Customizable templates
Use preset templates as a starting point for creating your meal plans.
Numerous templates developed by qualified nutrition experts will save you time, ensuring scientific accuracy and completeness to your every diet.
Choose the model based on physiological states, pathologies, or particular eating styles, an excellent starting point to make any customizations.
Your models
Creating a meal plan on Nutribook is fast and intuitive; but why give up additional time savings when you can save your personal templates to the Library? Create your own models and reuse them from time to time for similar types of patients.
Diets library
Diets history
Nutribook keeps a complete record of all the meal plans you’ve made for each patient. This database stores all the diets, making it simple to find and reuse them in the future. You can easily search through your plans using the search bar, sort them by status (like In Progress, To Review, Delivered), and organize them by the scheduled delivery date. This strong system ensures you can efficiently handle and keep track of your dietary plans, offering a valuable tool for ongoing patient care.
Customizable templates
Use preset templates as a starting point for creating your meal plans.
Numerous templates developed by qualified nutrition experts will save you time, ensuring scientific accuracy and completeness to your every diet.
Choose the model based on physiological states, pathologies, or particular eating styles, an excellent starting point to make any customizations.
Your models
Creating a meal plan on Nutribook is fast and intuitive; but why give up additional time savings when you can save your personal templates to the Library? Create your own models and reuse them from time to time for similar types of patients.
Do you want to see the diet planning software in action?
Book a free DEMO with a product expert to discover all the software’s features.
Or activate a free trial period of the software to test all of its features on your own.